DD’s Blog Universe: Volume 2 Post 19

Peeves: Miscellaneous (continued)

I could never figure this one out as a practical application. What is the purpose? Obviously, in a single lane situation, the car doing the tailgating can only go as far as the car ahead of it. In a dual lane scenario, go around if you’re in a rush! Can it be that these individuals (with overt minimal mental capacity and/or patience) don’t realize they’re as close as they are and the potential repercussions of such actions? I believe the intent is to speed up the vehicle ahead of the tailgater, which presents me with one of my all-time favorites – aggravating another person. Whenever I have someone tailgating me and I am (usually) above the speed limit by a fraction, I intentionally slow down. This is absolutely bedeviling to the tailgater who, for whatever reason, is in a hurry.

Right on Red
I believe I’ve already said some things about this practice that is logical yet misapplied by (you guessed it) the idiots behind the wheel. These imbeciles think it’s OK to go right on red and not be concerned with oncoming traffic. When they do come out, they go slower than oncoming traffic. Veritable dolts!

Turn signals
Why wouldn’t a person use turn signals? Please someone, anyone, explain to me this omission on the part of any driver.,

Right turn reaction
Did you ever see the person behind you as you slow down to make a right turn glare at you (the dumber ones will honk their horn)? Do they think you’re slowing down to annoy them? Let’s face it, you have to slow down somewhat. Now, if the idiot is annoyed, well that is a plus! It never hurts to aggravate an imbecile!

Red Light Motion
When a light turns from red to green, did you ever wonder why it takes so long for the line of cars to start moving? Granted, due to proximity, each car must wait for the car in front of it to move. I would venture to guess that when it takes an inordinate amount of time to proceed, one of the drivers in line is doing something else (to no one’s surprise).

Not So Much
Bright lights
Why do people get annoyed when an oncoming driver has their bright lights on? It really isn’t that difficult to see. What do I think? Anal retentive comes to mind…

SpeedDrivers going fast don’t bother me except as I noted in a previous post. For the most part, if they know what they’re doing and don’t disrupt others or pose a danger, speeders aren’t that big of a problem.
I’m sure there are others, even ones you harbor as well. Let me know and I’ll post them at a later time.

Next: Men vs. Women
• “A life is not always measured in decades. Moments of time much smaller in comparison can fill a lifetime just as many years can comprise a variety of lives each different from the other even though lived by the same person.” DD

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